Serving Athens, TN and McMinn County since 1998

Rank Belts

The rank belt is a special symbol of personal accomplishment and dedication that should be worn with great pride and care. New students begin their training as White Belts. Each color of belt has a different symbolic significance.

Belts of TaeKwonDo

White Belt

Preparing the ground and planting the seed; the beginning student.

Yellow Belt

The sun that warms the earth and is the energy source for life; the evolving student

Green Belt

The protected sprouting of the seed as it springs from the earth; growth of the Ho-Am martial artist

Blue Belt

Water, the irrigation required for life; the welling up of the Ho-Am spirit

Brown Belt

Earth, the foundation for the plant’s root system; increasing physical skill

Red Belt

Fire, the increasing warmth of the sun and/or controlled burning; the passion for martial arts that must be properly focused

Black Belt

Black Belt signifies attaining the balance between physical skill and intellect

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